Inviting Suppliers To Your Sourcing Activity

This guide provides a detailed, step-by-step process for inviting suppliers to participate in a sourcing activity within the platform. It covers how to select suppliers, choose the appropriate contacts, and send invitations. The guide also explains how to review the sourcing activity from the supplier's perspective, ensure all relevant information is included, and track supplier responses. Additionally, it provides instructions for managing multiple contacts from the same supplier and removing or adding suppliers before sending the activity. Perfect for users looking to streamline the supplier invitation process and effectively monitor responses.

Visual Guide - Step-By-Step Guide: Inviting Suppliers To Your Sourcing Activity

Text Guide - Step-By-Step Guide: Inviting Suppliers To Your Sourcing Activity

Follow these steps to invite suppliers and monitor their participation in your sourcing activity.

Step 1: Invite Suppliers

  • Click on the Supplier Name dropdown to see a list of all active suppliers available to invite to your sourcing activity.Note: If a supplier does not appear in the list, check the Supplier Management module to ensure they have not been archived, as archived suppliers will not be listed.

Step 2: Select a Supplier Contact

  • After selecting a supplier, choose a contact from the dropdown list linked to that supplier. You can view all contacts associated with a supplier on the supplier's record page in the Supplier Management module.

Step 3: Add More Suppliers

  • If you need to invite more than one supplier to the activity, click on the 'Add Another Supplier' button and repeat the process.

Step 4: Add Multiple Contacts for a Supplier

  • If multiple contacts from the same supplier need to be involved in the response, select multiple contacts from the Supplier Contact dropdown. Each contact will receive their own unique login code to collaborate on the response.Note: Only one consolidated response will be received from the supplier, regardless of how many contacts are involved.

Step 5: Remove Suppliers (Optional)

  • To remove a supplier from your activity before it is sent out, click the delete icon next to the supplier's name.

Step 6: View the Activity as a Supplier

  • Click the 'View As Supplier' button to see the activity from the supplier's perspective. This allows you to ensure all necessary information is included and gives you an understanding of how suppliers will interact with your activity.

Step 7: Review the Supplier View

  • The supplier view will show how the activity looks when suppliers are responding. You can review the layout and details to ensure everything is correct.

Step 8: Send to Suppliers

  • Once satisfied, click the 'Send To Suppliers' button to invite the selected suppliers to participate in the activity.

Step 9: Confirm Sending

  • A popup will appear asking you to confirm sending the activity. Tick the checkbox to confirm that you are ready to send, as you will not be able to make any further changes to the activity once sent.

Step 10: Click 'Confirm and Send'

  • Click the 'Confirm And Send' button to finalize and send the invitations.

Step 11: Confirmation of Activity Sent

  • After sending, your suppliers will receive an email with details about the activity, a unique access code, and a link to log in and start responding. They will have access during the response window you set up (opening and closing dates/times).

Step 12: View Your Activity

  • Return to the eSourcing home page and select your newly created activity from the table to view and monitor it.

Step 13: Monitor Supplier Responses

  • On the first tab of your sourcing record, you can track which suppliers have or have not responded. You will also receive email and in-system notifications when a supplier submits their response.

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Adding Supporting Documents to Your Sourcing Activity